
17 December 2024 / Club News

£540:00 Donation to ASD Rainbows

Due to some fantastic fund raising at our recent sucessfull and highly enjoyable "Skittles and Pickles Afternoon" at MARFC, A donation of £540:00 has been made to ASD Rainbows.

ASD Rainbows is a charity that aims to support children with Autism and their familes by providing early intervention for young children. This non-proifit making venture is registered with the charities commission and its aim is to provide "early intertvention therapies" tailored to meet each individual child`s needs and to help them to reach their full potential.

Thank You, to all who contributed to this wonderful cause..                                                              

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Peter Stokes - 18/12/2024 17:29:48:

Brilliant day had by all